Part A

Calculate for H+, H, H-, H-H+ (d = 1.03 A) and H-H (d = 0.74 A) the nucleus - nucleus repulsion energy, the nucleus - electron attraction energy, the kinetic energy of the electron and the total energy at HF/STO -5G level!
Discuss the results and find a connection between the different energies to be considered.

Part B

Post-HF Methods - Explicit Consideration of the electron correlation:

Calculate for the H-H molecule (d = 0.74 A) the energies at HF, MP2, MP3, MP4 ab initio level as well using density functional theory at the BHLYP, B3LYP and BLYP level!

Part C

Optimize the geometry of H-H at HF and MP2 level. Compare and discuss the geometry and energies!
